May 2022
Chapter 5 of 12!
Fun fact --> In the month of May, it is National Asparagus Month! This delicious veggie bakes and grills well, and is generally available from April through June. Eat it in salads, side dishes, entrees or as an appetiser!
This month, we are excited to introduce many tough and sturdy board books specially for babies and toddlers! Black and white books for babies as young as 1 month old, to interactive board books packed with activity and fun facts!
Also, check out our bilingual storybooks great for bedtime, and books that come with a search torch and a magic wand and a book with 365 amazing facts that'll amaze adults!
Don't miss an upcoming Chinese Audio Book restock happening in about a week's time!
For your gifting needs, feel free to reach out to us at anytime if you need help!
Happy reading and safe travels to those who are going away on that much awaited trip!
With Love,
The Team @ Owl Readers Club
Exclusive - 触摸有声书 - 看,奇妙的大自然 (Nature)
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