Helen O'Grady Drama Academy - Our Partner!
Introducing Helen O'Grady, a drama academy with a difference!
Helen O’Grady Drama Academy is a globally acclaimed enrichment programme that uses Drama to facilitate the development of life skills. With time, every individual that experiences the Helen O’Grady Drama System will grow in confidence and self-esteem, develop creativity, and acquire communication skills.
Helen O’Grady Drama Academy’s programmes run on a highly stimulating curriculum and are taught in a positive social environment. Their fun and dynamic trainers will work with each child to develop in the following areas:
• Positivity
• Communication skills
• Creativity
• Social interaction
• Self-esteem
• Confidence
The academy was founded in 1979 by Helen O’Grady, a teacher, children’s TV host and producer, and actress. Today, the academy is the world’s largest drama academy with a presence in 40 over countries. Find out more about Helen O'Grady here!
Check out the special benefits that we have procured for all members of Owl Readers Club here!