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Secure Attachment Bundle Series (3 books)

5 Reviews

Wonderfully Imperfect, You and Me

A children's story about self-acceptance
This story is about a child’s fears of losing her parent’s love if she is not good or smart enough. The parent’s response delivers a powerful message of embracing our mistakes as part of learning and growing, loving each other despite imperfections and striving to be the best versions of ourselves.

Key messages:

  • Self-acceptance – Knowing that the child is loved despite being imperfect
  • Good-enough parenting – Rather than focusing solely on the child, we also address how the parent can be imperfect
  • Rupture & repair – Working through disagreements & knowing that good can come after bad. The strength of a relationship is not in avoiding conflict, but in having the ability to work through the conflict.

This book is for: 

  • Building the trust that allows the child to turn to their caretaker even when they make mistakes

Sundae Sunday

A children's story on understanding boundaries

In this story, a father has the unenviable job of saying ‘no’ to his son for more ice cream. He does so firmly, yet without breaking the little one’s heart, explaining why it is important and convincing him that the end of ice cream is neither the end of the world nor of the fun father and son can continue to have in endless other ways.


Key messages:

  • Bigger Stronger Wiser and Kind -Where possible, follow your child’s lead. When necessary, take charge.
  • Empathy – Setting boundaries starts with empathy and connection
  • Executive functioning – Reasonable boundaries can help children develop better impulse control, the ability to cope with disappointments, and to see things from others’ perspectives, which are essential executive functioning skills that enable us to manage our everyday activities.

This book is for:

  • Parents looking to establish boundaries firmly and kindly and to help children develop a sense of security knowing that someone cares enough to be in charge.

Colours of Your Heart

A children's story on emotional acceptance 

In this story, a grandmother holds space for her granddaughter as the little one goes through big feelings of rejection and loneliness. Instead of rushing to cheer her up, Gramma tells her that all feelings are beautiful, and if we allow our hearts to feel all the feelings, eventually even the biggest emotions settle down and calm returns. 

Key messages:

  • Being with – a genuine and patient acceptance of all emotions
  • Processing emotions – allowing emotions to come and go, and to sit with uncomfortable feelings without avoidance
  • Turning to a trusted adult in times of need – When we can be present beside our child in any feeling, it teaches them that no matter the feeling, they will be able to turn to a trusted person in times of need.

This book is for:

  • Parents looking to be with their child through all emotions, pleasant or not, and build a safe space for emotional regulation.

From the creators of these unique books:

The Secure Attachment Series was developed as a teaching resource for parents to help facilitate a deeper connection with children. We’ve worked with child psychologists to distil the principles of secure attachment into simple children’s stories. There is also a guide for parents, including questions to facilitate meaningful conversations.

Secure Attachment is the foundation for effective parenting and helps children feel safe and loved. We are the best versions of ourselves when we feel safe & loved.

We hope the series sparks meaningful conversations and brings some light and humor into your lives. May these books provide respite if you struggle to find the words to say and be a part of your toolkit to express the love and trust for your child.

Secure Attachment has been researched over decades and shown to have the following benefits for children: 

  • They will feel more happiness and less anger at their parents
  • They can solve problems on their own and ask for help when they are in trouble 
  • They have lasting friendships and get along better with their friends
  • They feel better about themselves and what they can contribute
  • They are protected against feeling hopeless or helpless about life