Local Books 🇸🇬
Local Books Specially Written with Children in Mind! We are proud to be local 🇸🇬 and in this collection, you will find the best children's books written by our authors based in Singapore.
If you are an author of any children's books, based in Singapore and would like to have your books featured (and sold) here, drop us an email at writetous@owlreadersclub.sg for a no-obligation discussion.
The Night Shift
Ah Gong’s Uniform
Aunty Postman
Marky Polo in Beijing
Mr Roll Finds New Life
Hello Stuart
My First Set of Dialect Storybooks
Twinkle Twinkle Giant Star
Owl Gift Card 💌
My Birthday Cake
Sherlock at Home
Uncles At Work
Going to the Zoo (去动物园)
Ailing Abby
Boastful Brian
Considerate Caleb
Dilly-Dallying Daffie
Santa's Little Goblins