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Happy Birthday - 生日快乐

5 Reviews
$3320 $3890

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An interactive Happy Birthday book for toddlers and preschoolers.

Book comes with Bilingual Audio and LED candles.

This is a birthday book like no other! Making it one of the most innovative gift books out there as each page depicts a different scene of a birthday party encouraging little ones to explore and interact. Listen to English nursery rhymes as the buttons are pressed as well as common phrases that one would hear at a birthday celebration. 

Check out 宝宝学说话有声书 and 会说话的魔法故事书 (our most entertaining audio storybook that reads aloud stories with the help of a magic wand!)

 一个甜美的仿真草莓奶油蛋糕 + 可吹N次的许愿蜡烛 + 10首朗朗上口的英语儿歌 + 8句常用英语口语表达 + 7个暖心双语对话场景(中英均可朗读) + 一场极致细腻的美的体验 萌版生日现场,吹一吹,蜡烛熄灭了。 仿真了吹蜡烛的过程,只要你对着蛋糕轻轻一吹,蜡烛就会“熄灭”。 锻炼精细动作,小手更灵巧,大脑更灵光。 每一步操作的过程中,都有会有声音和颜色的操作反馈,让宝宝知道自己完成了。 律动英语童谣,种下第二语言的启蒙种子。 一首好的儿歌律动感强,注重押韵,朗朗上口,一般短小精悍,一学就会。 7个暖心双语场景,仪式感让人更幸福。 对于相互在乎的人,哪怕小小的心意都会值得被珍藏。用心和仪式感是幸福之道,仪式感并不在于华丽与昂贵,而在于用心准备和用心感动。 可吹N次的许愿蜡烛; 10首朗朗上口的英语儿歌; 8句常用英语口语表达; 多个场景音效,让生日氛围更加浓厚 广播句式的双语演绎,让孩子的中英文学习并驾齐驱 每一份亲密关系都值得用心维护。 生日快乐双语声光玩具书,呵护宝宝成长的仪式感.

Interactive book with board book pages (book comes with batteries)