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Articles by the Team @ Owl Readers Club

How Do I Even Get My Child To Start Reading?

How Do I Even Get My Child To Start Reading?

Getting a child to read can be frustrating.

Many parents blame modern conveniences, like TV or video games, for declining literacy rates. The truth is, right practices will build a reader, regardless of such distractions. Here are some of them:

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Five Ways to Help Autistic Children Read Better.

Five Ways to Help Autistic Children Read Better.

I remember when my wife and I found out our son was autistic. We went through what most parents who discover this disorder go through…guilt (that somehow it was our fault), fear (that he would not be able to cope) and well…mostly just worry. We managed to get help from EIPIC (Early Intervention Program for Infants and Children), and thankfully he is much better today.

My wife works from home, which is another big bonus. She practices reading with our son, while I just read him bedtime stories. She did quite a bit of research on helping our son adapt and cope, especially with reading. I’ll be sharing five useful tips you can put into practice at home.

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“My child reads a lot but isn’t learning anything. Why?!”

“My child reads a lot but isn’t learning anything. Why?!”

Reading means nothing without comprehension. It’s possible to know and recite every word, whilst transferring nothing to mind. Remember the time you had to study for exams back during the school days? If you were from my generation, you might remember being taught to spot questions and memorize keywords. Most times, we just simply “copy and paste” the text from memory and get by with a decent grade. Did we really learn anything?
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Getting Your Child Started on Critical Reading and Thinking

Getting Your Child Started on Critical Reading and Thinking

In the bid to get their kids to be smarter, wittier, better writers, knowledgeable citizens of the world, parents would insist their children read the books that they picked, but without the guidance to comprehend these text, children are left floundering around just doing surface reading.
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The Little Known Benefits of Picture Books!

The Little Known Benefits of Picture Books!

So we all know that reading is important to our children’s language and mental development, but what about reading wordless picture books. Wait – What?! That’s right. I can almost hear the collective gasp of language teachers around the world. Most of us are used to reading books with at least some text in it because we have been told that that’s the best way for children to acquire language and vocabulary. This article attempts to shed light on the little known but powerful benefits that wordless picture book can bring to your child’s literacy development.
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When Should You Start Your Child on Reading?

When Should You Start Your Child on Reading?

The short answer is – Anytime!
Studies have shown that reading to children even as young as infants have a positive impact on their language development. A research done in Rhode Island Hospital compared two groups of eight months old babies: One group was read to often and the other was not. The first group had their vocabulary increased by 40 per cent since infancy, while the non-reading group increased by only 16 per cent.
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Your Child's Language Development Starts in the Womb

Your Child's Language Development Starts in the Womb

I spent most of my time feeling like a beached whale in the third trimester and the only type of activity that I could do with skillful precision was surfing the Internet. I was looking for topics on giving children an early start in literacy development and one of the
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How Owl Readers Club was founded

How Owl Readers Club was founded

We read to our son whenever and wherever we can; it is also a bedtime ritual for him. We have been amazed by his ability to remember stories and seemingly able to read his favourite story books before he turned two.
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